Employee benefits and group insurance
One challenge
Group benefit advisor - Insurance companies - Payroll system - Services suppliers Health services - Enterprises
Same information in multiple-databases (4 +)
+ 150 formats
Manual re-input of same data
Poor productivity
Legacy technology
Exchange formats quality and multiplicity
Difficulty to access the real information
One opportunity
The new business models Universal ASP/WEB solution based on a «collaborative-commerce» model
Project management (Request for proposal),
Full or self administration, Claim adjudication
A TOTALLY INTEGRATED solution, (from Sales management and proposal presentation to claims management through a highly sophisticated adjudication system, including full or self administration and payroll deductions), addressing the needs of ALL the community PARTICIPANTS and taking full advantage of WEB technologies that is available NOW.
This approach, that allows the sharing of tasks and responsibilities, provide access to the REAL INFORMATION in a secured and controlled environment, Taking full advantage of the power of « Collaborative Commerce» it insures a substantial positive financial impact for each while providing strong added value to the customer.
Managing Employees Benefits and Group Insurance is for most managers a necessary evil.
«The present business model is in my opinion totally dysfunctional, time consuming and costly. (...)With some 1000 employees in 40 stores, 2 complementary group insurance contracts, managing group insurance on a daily basis required the equivalent to 2 full time resources. Furthermore any special situations, such as renewal process, were painful and confusing. The new C-surance technologies is the solution to my problem!»
Mrs. Ginette Godbout ex-CFO Guess? Jeans Canada
C-SURANCE.CA provides a real solution to the needs of the community
Operating Cost Reduction
(in 2000 ± 6,000,000,000$*)
Eliminate multiplication of same data entries
Share expenses and resources based on Pareto law - 20% invested in a common core toaddress basic and none distinctive needs (vs. 80%) - 80% invested in BRANDING (vs. 20%)<
Outsource services
Outsource non-distinctive IT's
Better control of claims abuses
Standardized training
Increase strategic investments
Improve information analysis processes,quality and quantity
Generate services and products Models based on more significant information and trends
Better target business opportunities and market
Insure best strategic position to take advantage of an irreversible paradigm shift created by globalization
Standardize format and interface
Improve information access
Common management activities
Sales management and presentation (proposal)
Universal training
- Clients
- Suppliers
- Partners
Open, interactive and SECURED Databases
Centralize information
Controlled Open Access to share task and responsibilities
Easier data conversion for M&A (Merger and Acquisition)
Expanded statistical information
Streamline processes
Full access to historical events in relation with:
Capitalize on WEB opportunities
- Share risk
- Proven technologies
- Access expended budgets
- Access common and shared resources (Round table of discussion and permanent dedicated staffing for owns priorities)
Add and improve services
- Optimize CRM and customer service
- Address creative and targeted branding based on much stronger products and services deployment
- Concentrate resources towards activities creating more distinctive value
- Speed up decision making in implementing or removing of strategies or products. Increase profitability level
For Whom?
Insurance companies - Financial institutions
Most IT systems are legacy, out-dated,difficult and expensive to maintain or update.
Outsourcing could be the best solution toupdate or replace the old IT system
Allegroupe is a mature product in sophistication phase
Allegroupe is a trusted and real solution
Sharing 80% of the solution represent major financial advantages
Standardization in administration, claims or quotation process, is an essential in globalization and greatly benefit the sharing companies (credit card - Interac etc.)
* 2000 Canadian market Premiums Costs
Insurers 15 B$ 3,5 B$
Self-Insured (estimated) 5 B$ 1.2 B$
Indirect cost (estimated) 1,5 B$
Market trends : 2001 : + 20% 2002 : + 10%
HR and payroll system
Opportunity to offer value added services to existing clientele without important investments
Opportunity to expand targeted client base
Add one service and increase probable retention rate
Potential additional revenues to the existing payroll services
Limited cost of management
Group benefit consultants
Opportunity to offer value added services to existing clientele without important investments
Opportunity to expand targeted clientele
Add one service and increase probable retention rate
Eliminate non-productive data manipulation needs
Direct access to same information to insure higher level of professional services
Simplified training and data processing activities with real time access to common information
Allows the advisor to provide professional service and assistance to their customers on a full time basis thank to data access and sharing of responsibilities.
Services suppliers
At last real time access for health professionals allowing claims processing through an instant powerful WEB adjudication system
Reduction of operating costs for claims managers, by providing an access to a universal environment
Cost reduction of R&D and deployment of technologies by sharing common data format for all partners while allowing for BRANDING and high value added services
Enterprises, unions and governments
Finally an environment...
Drastically limiting the need to inform multiple parties of movement
Giving access in real time to strategic information
Insuring full access and collaboration of professionals to ease the burden of management
Providing access to knowledgeable resources to support a universal tool for HR
Totally integrated with payroll or HR systems, carriers, group benefit consultants, etc...
Because the business model allows every partner:
To keep full control over their strategies while capitalizing on a powerful universal environment
To concentrate all their energies in building the business and the BRANDING
Service and access 24/7/365
To own and control the solution
Allegroupe is the only known fully functional Web based software on the market:
that addresses the entire insurance community market including: insurers, group benefits advisors, consulting firms, employers, payroll services, service suppliers and health services.
that offers full integration of every operation: administration management, claim (adjudication), project management and quote
The Allegroupe technology offers important features and services not provided by individual partners:
Makes «what if» or real-time calculations
Retroactive or proactive management
Multiple group/Multiple insurers and Selfinsurances management
Permanent history of employee record changes
Allow individual invoicing or statement follow-up for seasonal or contractual employees, on disability or requiring individual billing
An option to link with payroll or HR systems
Complementary groups benefits management with same database (Union contributions, etc)
Issues coverage summary reports by employee, indicating:
Access or maintenance of the essential informationÕs at a fraction of the current cost
Supply essential follow-up tools (Pending integration, proof of insurability, waivers, etc...)
Management of extended coverage guarantees for participants
Opportunities to use the saving to increase market shares or to invest in innovative products or services (20%)
C-SURANCE.CA a real solution to your needsers saves or mak
The problem...
Unfortunately the traditional processing structure makes managing group insurance highly complex. In order to insure that each playerÕs are able to perform their professional services, the information is scattered in various databases that are most of the time totally independent from one another. For instance the group insurance customer is dependent on: the insurance carrier, or carriers when the enterprise as multiple contracts, for the benefits coverage and premium, the group advisor or actuary to assist in the management the taxable benefits and employers/employees contributions as well as to insure that the group benefit manager will be fully protected against ÒErrors and OmissionsÓ by providing professional guidance, as well this professional is needed to assist whenever there is a problem, the internal resources to record personnel movements as well as insure the follow up of enrollment, claims settlements, changes in status, etc., most of the same information needs to be transmitted to the payroll or HR system
To all of these unproductive tasks, we must add a long list of manual or automatic intervention to take into account the contract specifics, union convention, punctual request from personnel for «what if» scenarios, actual operational situation including temporary or permanent leave of absence, etc.
The new ideal solution
The ideal solution is obvious. First and foremost we need a single universal database as well as a sophisticated user interface that will allow standardized operations. Secondly each participant must share and assume full responsibility for the tasks that they are assigned to insure data integrity at all time. Finally electronic links with payroll or HR system as well as with insurance carriers must exist.
The C-surance mission complies with the needs and wills of customer as well as each partner. Hereby the customer, can directly or via their payroll, HR manager or group advisor insure daily update of information at every levels. One single operation would replace the present minimum of four. The fiscal impact of such a process would be substantial. The group advisor and/or the insurance carrier could directly insure that the contract information (including benefits) are in effect and would be able to address instantly the individual request. Under the C-surance solution the employee could at anytime inquire about the status of is benefits as well as have instant response to «What if » scenarios.
As an added bonus, full history of events could be accessible by the customer with no lost of information link due a change of insurance company over the years. The sharing of this information with the insurance companies during the request for proposal or renewals period could insure proper underwriting by any insurance companies hereby protecting the industry against fraud and abuse. This would allow the group advisor to present quickly and more efficiently new or improved solutions to the customer in a standard format that would make it easier to make good business decisions.
A professional and highly secured Claims Adjudication integrated option is available with the management system allowing for easier claims management. This module could be accessible within the enterprise, the group advisors, the insurance carriers as well as directly by health professionals allowing for sharing the responsibilities. The direct impact of such an access would be to reduce delays and improve the level of satisfaction. This module insure a very high level of control (adjudication) insuring easy table driven tools to adapt each contract, division, classes or individuals. This configuration module is exlusively controled by the insurance companies or their authorized representatives.
Future trends:
The «c-com» or «collaborative commerce»
C-commerce provides a much deeper and richer form of B2B or B2C interaction designed to allow trading partners to serve as virtual collaborators across a wide array of business processes. Thus, a c-commerce framework acts as a virtual conduit for connecting information repositories, such as employee data,allowing companies to exploit opportunities more easily.
1650 Place de Lierre, Laval (Qu.bec) H7G 4X7
Telephone: (450) 629-6158 Fax: (450) 629-1874
E-mail: sale@mdibls.qc.ca Web Site: www.c-surance.ca www.mdibls.qc.ca |