Privacy Policy

At Global Service Inc the handling of personal and corporate information is an integral part of our business. Protecting the privacy and trade secrets of our clients data has always been a priority.

The federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) has come into effect as of January 1, 2004. The purpose of the PIPEDA is to legislate guidelines regarding the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. Global Service Inc is committed to ensuring that our business practices meet the requirements of the PIPEDA.

The PIPEDA defines 10 privacy principles to which businesses must comply. Here at we are proud to confirm for our clients the following practices are followed in our daily business operation:

Accountability : The organizations must appoint an individual/s that will ensure the organization is compliant with the legislation.

Identification of Purpose: Individuals must be informed of the purpose for the collection of their personal data prior to or at the time the information is collected.

Consent: Individual's must consent to the use and/or disclosure of their personal data

Limiting Collection: An organization should limit the collection of personal information to the organization's stated purpose.

Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention: Personal information must only be used for the purposes for which consent has been given. The information should only be retained for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of business.

Accuracy: Personal information should be kept accurate. Procedures must be put in place for persons to confirm and correct their own personal information.

Safeguards: Personal information must be stored securely and appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that security.

Openness: Privacy policies and practices should be made readily available.

Individual Access: The organization must have the ability to inform an individual how their information was collected, used and disclosed as well as with whom their information has been shared.

Challenging Compliance: An individual may challenge an organization's compliance with the privacy principles

Over and above these 10 privacy principles, is fully committed to protecting our client data and trade secrets to insure that this information will never be shared or distributed to others unless a written and signed authorization will have been transmitted by client.

Please feel free to contact our Privacy Officer, Richard Sirois should you have any questions or concerns regarding our organizations compliance with the PIPEDA. Richard can be reached at 866-629-6158.